Tutorial Integrated Drives: power electronics and electrical machine challenges organisé par les membres de CE2I (L2EP et LAMIH) en collaboration avec l’université de Coventry et SAFRAN le 5 septembre lors de la conférence EPE’21 ECCE Europe.
This tutorial addresses the numerous questions raised to achieve an integrated smart drive. Its objective is to highlight the different constraints induced by the integration of the power converter close to the electrical machines, on the points of view of SiC & GaN transistor characteristics and modelling, EMI, dielectric behaviour, thermal limitation, inverter and machine control, inverter and machine topologies. Another objective is also to show how these constraints are highly interdepending, which actually narrows the possibilities for the design of an Electrical Integrated Drive. In addition, the industrial example of the ENGINeUS TM smart machines dedicated to the field of aeronautic will be explained by the CTO from Safran Electrical and Power division.
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Ce tutorial a rassemblé une vingtaine de participants, industriels et académiques.