TASK 1 : High Yield static converter (L2EP)
This Task 1 is related to the development of high-yield static converter with a high power-density, high efficiency and using wide-bandgap components (Gallium nitride and Silicon Carbide). The two innovative aspects of this task are that this converter will operate in both high frequency and high temperatur.

T2 : High functional reliability drive (L2EP)
This task focuses on the development of polyphase, fault tolerant machines.

Task 3: Eco-efficiency, structural reliability (LSEE)
The objective of task 3 is to design a structurally reliable, eco-efficient and high-temperature electrical drive to reduce its mass.

Task 4: Analysis tools for integrated electromagnetic systems
The aim of this task is to design and develop electromagnetic tools capable of meeting the needs expressed for the design of reliable and integrated drives.

Task 5: thermal analysis and modeling
The aim of this task is to develop coupled thermal-fluidic-electromagnetic modeling in order to study the thermal behavior of integrated drives.

Task 6: Interconnected Intelligent Machines
The aim of this task is to network and coordinate a set of intelligent integrated machines developed in Tasks 1, 2 and 3, within relevant and innovative applications.

Task 7: Demonstrators Integration
The goal of this task is to build a demonstrator: an integrated, reliable, fault-tolerant, low environmental footprint power converter.